Monday, October 18, 2010

So how do I make this silk purse?

So today I had a fairly blah, uneventful day. Nothing about it was bad per se, but it doesn't stand out as a wonderful day. If I look back on this day several years from now... Well, let's be honest: I won't even remember this day to look back on it, which leaves me feeling a bit like Lindsey Lohan.

I like going to the gym, working with my plants and taking care of my animals. I'm even trying this new thing of cleaning up a little each day instead of waiting to do everything until my weekend. So I'm going to do all of these things tonight to try to tame these things that are weighing me down (10 words in a row that start with 't'... Ain't that something?).

However, I am always up for suggestions. Now, I am opposed to all forms of animal abuse and several forms of people abuse. Though, if your experience indicates that setting someone on fire and punting them down a football field really lifts your mood, I might be up for it. I'm just curious what other people do, because I'm far too bubbly and effervescent to be feeling "blah."

1 comment:

  1. This is what dogs are for! Especially if you're taking classes with them and doing sports. There's always something interesting and unexpected in life with dogs. :)
