Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Onward, and Upward... but mostly Onward...

So it would seem that I am once again questioning the direction of my blog... There are so many possibilities and it seems to be simply oozing in all directions and I'd really appreciate if it had a more clarified sense of purpose.

I do, of course, love my opinion posts. They take a little less work on my part, and people seem to appreciate the sassy humor that finds a way into my writing. However, I also love my crafty/how-to posts. A bit more effort, but actually worth reading and including pretty pictures. I like to think that I am more than a bit talented in the way of cooking/plants/crafts, and humor a small romantic notion that my blogs on these topics will lead to me becoming the next Martha Stewart-esque character. :)

So, let me know what you think! Oh, and sometime this week I will prepare an awesome orange-chocolate mousse. It should be picture-heavy... :)


  1. I vote a blend of the two, personally, but maybe that doesn't count as a vote...
    I think you're good at both, so you should at least try to do both!

  2. I don't think you should limit yourself and see where it goes. Every post so far has been a good read. I tried to solve this by having 4 blogs and it ended up they were just too much to keep up with.

  3. I agree with the two ladies above. Blog on what is relevant for the day and makes you happy, the rest will soon follow...
