Friday, October 1, 2010

Le Voyage Commence...


At the urging of more than a few friends, it has been decided that I seriously needed to consider beginning a blog of my very own. Hopefully this will prove to be a good choice in the long-run, as opposed to a serious lack of judgment. I'll spend this first week trying to tell people more about me and why I have opted to begin this endeavor. After that? Well, the random eccentricities of my mind will simply come to light. You will hopefully be amused and interested, potentially terrified. Yay!

So... we'll start off with a little bit about me. I'm just going to start randomly typing facts about myself and that should hopefully lend a hint as to the tangents my mind is capable of. Let's begin:

-I'm currently sitting on my bedroom floor, with the parts of my desktop computer scattered around me. The reason for this is that my router isn't in the most practical location and my wireless router has decided it is done working. So, instead of being on the desk in the dining room... my computer has found it's way here. This will not last long, I promise.

-I'm irritated when things don't work for me the same way they do for other people. For example, I often hear other people complain about how their technological devices are starting to "act up." I should wish to be so lucky. Instead of being cordial about quitting by offering notice, my appliances tend to create as much of a scene as possible when quitting. They yell at me, throw stuff and I swear that more than one of them has attempted to steal the stapler.

-I like my staplers. I'm actually a bit of a craft junkie... I find it more relaxing than other stupid things that people do. Plus, when I'm done I actually end up with stuff! (Who doesn't need a marbled terra cotta display pot wrapped with ribbon? Honestly...)

-I grow plants. I have orchids, bromeliads, cacti and succulents, plumeria and all manner of tacky houseplants. They will most likely be the subject of several posts in the future...

-I don't like pigs. I believe them to be a serious design flaw, and if there was an forethought to evolutionary design there would reproducing packages of bacon. I love bacon. I just dislike the intermediate step. A pig tried to eat me when I was a kid and that's a grudge I haven't let go.

-I like swans. I mention this because I was also attacked by a swan when I was a child. Once upon a time, the lake at Hermann Park was a nasty pool with sandy banks and, you guessed it, swans. Swans are not particularly kind creatures and at 5 years old it was more than easy enough for a swan to try to drag me to a watery death. Luckily, mom was there... she beat the swan off with her purse. Having worked very closely with the birds, I have to give credit to someone willing to confront an aggressive swan.

-Je parle un peu du francais.

-Now when I say this, I seriously mean "un peu!" Marginal quantities of French are spoken here (unless of course I'm particularly angry or can't find my keys. Apparently I'm fluent at that point). I feel obliged to mention the French though, since it will be very important in explaining the name of my blog and why I've finally agreed to write a blog. You'll have to come back another day for that, though.

Well, that seems like more than enough for today, wouldn't you agree? :)


  1. It seems like it was a good idea to encourage you to blog - you are very funny in writing! :)

  2. Jack I agree with Leigh your writing has a flair for the funny side of life.
