Sunday, October 31, 2010

A Tirade on Originality

Many, many people are expecting Halloween Pictures and a detailing of the events of the night. That will all be posted shortly, but first and foremost I have a bit of a tirade to embark upon.

People are not original.

I make this statement after the "Most Outrageous" costume party at a club last night. The criteria was supposedly based on presentation and originality. The winner? A guy dressed as The Green Lantern. Now obviously I must have been asleep when the definition of "original" was redefined... but to the best of my knowledge, it is this:

Original: New, fresh, innovative or novel. Created, undertaken or presented for the first time.

Now I'm not merely making things up, this definition is pieced together from an online dictionary. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary echoes a similar definition. So I am understandably confused how a guy dressed as a superhero (in a costume that is readily purchased) won a contest supposedly based on "originality"... especially considering that there were FOUR guys dressed as the Green Lantern in the room at the time! Maybe the secret lies in a drag queen host so oblivious the bitch didn't realize she should wear panty hose/tights to help hide the dimples of her cellulite-heavy ass.

I'm sorry, I'm a fan of originality; being novel and creative is a major component of why I enjoy crafts as much as I do. There is no higher pleasure for me than to make something, give it out and hear people say, "Oh... that's clever!"So I think it is understandable that I'm a bit irritated that there was such a blatant lack of creativity. Half the people there weren't even in costume, and a good many of those that WERE in costume were only partially done. Seriously, if putting on a mullet wig is all you're going to do why even bother? What's worse... when that wig is ALL that is needed to create the illusion... *shudders*

I'm issuing a call-to-arms. Crafty people need to stand up and assert themselves! If anyone is interested, I'd gladly participate in an actual crafting circle to help share ideas and help progress the capacity of like-minded people. Honestly, if we lose our concepts of originality and craftiness the world will become so boring that not even The Green Lantern will be able to save it...


  1. I'm sorry to tell you like the elections its rigged mister. I can promise you that...

  2. First, your flamingo costume should totally have won for originality! But Halloween costume contests suck.

    The costume contest I saw was won by a dude with fake boobs and a blonde wig. He only won because his friends were the loudest in the place - the guy who created his own Iron Man costume was way better.

    And I have to say I shuddered a little bit when two guys who were wearing obnoxious costumes (some guy from Jersey Shore and a snowboarder) told me that they didn't actually have to buy anything to complete their costumes... Really? You are admiting to a complete stranger that you proudly own those clothes?
