Thursday, October 28, 2010

Christmas Craft Ideas

So it should come as no surprise to anyone that I rather enjoy crafting my own special christmas presents. I'm sure I would like all of these things, but I'm not entirely certain other people would. So this is going to be a post asking what you think of my ideas, what things you'd be interested in if they were a gift for you, etc.

First of all: I knit. I'm a reasonably talented knitter (as long as I can find away around double-points, don't like wrestling a woolen octopus) and I just think there is something nice about hand-knit gifts. Of course, my sushi scarves tend to be a hit (irregularly striped scarf, looks like a piece of sushi when rolled up). I also have patterns to complete for some Fair Isle (colorwork) hats, and a really interesting fish hat care of my friend Cathy. Since there is a limit to how much I can knit before Christmas, that seems like it will pretty much cover me (though I'm also contemplating an interesting shawl for my mom... We'll see). I also tend to make a variety of cookies for mixed platters. Oh, and hand-painted pots with soil/bulbs for spring seem like a really cute idea.

What do y'all think of those ideas? Do any of them just seem like a waste of time? Also, is there anything crafty you'd like for me to try? You can bet that I will be turning all of these ideas into blog posts, with pictures!


  1. How can anything hand knit by you be considered a waste of time! And home made cookies always are a hit. I used to have a holiday cookie baking party and we'd each make a ton of a few different recipes and take a mix of each home.... plenty to pas out as gifts. The bulb and dirt is good too... for those who are not fans of cold weather it has a promise of what's to come.
    But all three are made by you, took your time, energy and creativity and I think make some of the best gifts.

  2. I need to see examples/ pics or models of these...
